Well, what do we have here? Can anybody hazard a guess as to whom this clenched pair of gluttious maximus might belong (I don't think I can recycle my favourite word, 'callipygian', in this scenario)? This image was taken way back in 2002, so only the wife of the owner of pictured derriere can attest to its current state of tautness or quiveryness, as the case may be. Bedrich is barred from this competition. One should always be wary of raiding others' old Yahoo photo-share websites, as it exposes them to similar scavenging forays. To be fair though, initiative has been shown in this instance and I always give credit where it's due.
Now, what could possibly be the cause of that nasty-looking blemish on the right cheek? One could surmise that the picture may have been recorded following vigorous ablutions in the shower block in the densely wooded section of Clapham Common, although clearly the light bulb had blown and someone had forgotten to bring their shower gel with them (adds a whole new dimension to the concept of 'a stab in the dark'). On the other hand, this may be the result of an overly-enthusiastic employer or pub clientele accepting the challenge to "Polib mi prdel". I leave other possible causes up to you, dear readers.
Oh, before I forget, I did try to mine another rich seam of photographic material for images of the Canadian branch of the family (featuring beer belly competitions), but the site looks like it's either been padlocked or has been taken offline altogether. A shame, as I think there was some good material there worthy of reproduction. Otherwise, I don't have any pictures myself of our Canadian friends at all :(
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