Take a Captain Cook at this archival equivalent of pure gold. Christies would take bids in the order of hundreds of hellers for this little piece of history. I hope Bedrich can abscond from his parental duties for long enough to puruse this fateful missive that ultimately brought one of us to those Bohemian shores. It's penned by someone very closely connected to Bedrich's own appearance in those lands before being taken under my own paternal wing. This is dated 27 February 1992; hard to believe that it's 15 years already.
1 comment:
Fast forward a couple of years and I have an almost identical letter in my archives. Genuinely nice people the Hlidkovi.
A few months ago I came across a diary I kept from January until mid February 1995 (a weekly diary that represents my longest collection of writing in my life - 1.5 pages). It was Jan 20th I think that read "met a Kiwi guy. Going for a beer on Friday. Seems like a nice guy" I was young and naive.
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